

This experience begins with a consultation followed by a cleanse & condition with Bumble & Bumble or Matrix products chosen specifically for your hair type by your stylist. Next, you will go back to the chair where you will receive the style of your choice supported by the right products for a lasting look.

Add heat tool styling to any blowout for an additional $10.

Formal Styling

This experience begins with a detailed consultation on what you would like your final look to be as well as the type of event and apparel you will be wearing to ensure the stylist gets the full vision and helps guide you with the best style for your special occasion.

Please note: Cleanse, condition & blowout are not included. Please arrive with clean, dry hair or book a blowout in addition to your formal style. For further information please book a consultation prior to your event with your preferred stylist.

To book an on-site bridal party or event please see our “Weddings/Special Occasion” page.